Has Your Chimney Been Waterproofed? Call Lords Chimney for Professional Waterproofing Services
Who doesn’t love the glow of embers in the hearth, warmth emanating throughout the room? There’s nothing like a nice fire to bring people together. But in order to enjoy the benefits of any fireplace, it takes a certain level of attention, maintenance, and a little TLC. A large part of this (especially here in the Houston area) is ensuring that your chimney is equipped to handle a variety of weather conditions by having it properly and professionally waterproofed.
Here at Lords Chimney, we only use the best products in the industry. These are the ones that are proven to protect homes (and more specifically, chimneys) from the dangers and damage caused by nature’s most unsuspecting culprit – water. And the best of the best when it comes to waterproofing agents? ChimneySaver. Only available for professional chimney experts, ChimneySaver is the industry leader in weather protection.
Are your bricks looking a bit tired and worn? Have you noticed any signs of leaking or water damage? Ready to have your chimney waterproofed professionally? If you’re a homeowner in the greater Beaumont or Houston area in need of chimney waterproofing services, Lords Chimney has you covered.
Call 281-497-4000 or book online with us today.
Why Does a Chimney Need To Be Waterproofed?
When people think of brick, usually the first thing that comes to mind is strength and durability. A structure meant to stand the test of time, no matter what is thrown its way.
And while there is a lot of truth to that, it’s equally important to know that brick is also a very porous material. What does this mean, exactly? Well, it means that untreated brickwork will absorb any and all water that it is exposed to. But it’s just water, so… no big deal, right?
Not so fast. Did you know that on average, a brick can hold onto roughly a cup to a cup and a half of water? Now, let’s think about an average chimney for a one-and-a-half story home. If it requires approximately 1,200 bricks to create this structure, and the whole thing is not properly waterproofed and gets drenched in a downpour, the chimney alone would be supporting nearly 150 gallons of water. That weight is equivalent to a half ton, or 1000 pounds.
For reference, imagine an empty hot tub with the capacity to hold 6 adults perched on top of your masonry – that’s heavy. It’s no wonder that over time, water can wreak havoc on a chimney system, especially if it hasn’t been properly treated.
In What Ways Does Water Damage Chimneys?
There are three big ways that water can do some serious damage to your masonry: the freeze/thaw process, mold/vegetation growth, and efflorescence.
The Freeze/Thaw Process
Water can be very sneaky. Thanks to its three forms, its destruction can often go unnoticed. After all, it’s pretty tricky to visually determine when something absorbent has, well, absorbed. Your bricks could be holding onto their full capacity of water and you’d be none the wiser.
And while rain and other moisture can permeate the brick’s surface quickly and easily, when that water freezes, that introduces a whole new problem. Not always super common or frequent over here in the Southwest Texas region, but something to be aware of nonetheless.
So, what happens in the rare event when temperatures drop below freezing and your chimney is supporting extreme volumes of excess water weight? Well, when that trapped water freezes, it will expand to take up the room it requires, even if there was none to begin with. In the case of masonry, this causes the bricks to shift, loosening the mortar joints holding everything together. Not only does this affect the structural integrity of your chimney, but it introduces a whole host of other issues that stem from gaping and crumbly mortar joints.
As if that weren’t enough, lest we forget that combining darkness and dampness results in the perfect breeding ground for mold, algae, moss, and a variety of other bacteria/vegetation organisms.
It’s not uncommon for us to go in to treat a water-damaged chimney and find moss and other grass-like stuff growing on the inside of the chimney flue. And remember – water can seep through just about every material, so if your chimney is suffering from a leak or is exposed to water in any way, it’s only a matter of time before any growth born from water contact finds its way into the surrounding ceiling or walls.
Before you know it, you could have a serious mold problem on your hands, which is not only expensive to address, but can seriously affect the health of those living in the home.
When water continues to penetrate the brick in excessive quantities, it will eventually displace the existing salts and minerals present within material and pull it to the surface. The result is called efflorescence, and while at first it may just appear to be a visual nuisance and eyesore, over time it weakens the brick. Eventually, the layers start to flake off and crumble until there’s nothing left. Sure, this process will likely take a long time, but efflorescence can be viewed as a warning sign to get your brickwork treated right away.
If you live in the Houston area and are worried your system might be susceptible to water damage – or if you’ve already started to notice some of the signs – now is the perfect time to call on the team of chimney experts at Lords Chimney. No job is too big, no question too small… We can absolutely handle it all.
Interested in working with us? You can get in touch via our appointment request form, or give us a call at 281-497-4000. We’re sure to make your house feel like a home again in no time.
What Does It Mean to Waterproof a Chimney?
OK, we know how water can damage a chimney and we understand the importance of using a proper waterproofing product, but how does it all work? How, exactly, do you ensure a chimney is adequately protected against moisture?
In short, a lot of science is involved. It’s complicated because, in order for a masonry chimney to operate properly and efficiently, there is a certain level of breathability required of the structure. Sure, the smoke and exhaust fumes produced during combustion are released through the flue, but it’s also inevitable that the exceptionally hot vapors will find alternative exit routes.
This is one of the main reasons why it’s never a good idea to paint or seal your chimney and why it’s so important to have your system waterproofed by a professional who knows the proper ratios of sealant properties.
Water repellents are composed of four different factors: resistance to air/wind, resistance to water, durability, and vapor permeability. Easy enough to go to your nearest home improvement store and pick up a sealant, right?
Wrong. The combination of all of these important characteristics is unique and specific when it comes to chimneys specifically. It’s the reason why we solely use ChimneySaver. Thanks to its specifically curated siloxane technology, it’s been tested under ASTM International (American Society for Testing and Materials) standards and found to maintain 100% breathability, while reducing water permeation by 96.9%.
You aren’t gonna get those same stats with any old water repellent. Plus, ChimneySaver has been in business over three decades and all of their products come with extended warranties to ensure you remain satisfied with your system’s protection and performance.
Curious to learn more about ChimneySaver and why it’s the best water protectant out there? Give us a call! We’d be happy to chat with you.
How Much Does It Cost to Waterproof a Chimney?
If you’ve spent any time going through our site, you’ve probably noticed that we don’t have any of our prices listed. We’re very intentional about this because, in this industry, there are so many factors that go into pricing and everyone’s needs are a little bit different. We avoid advertising the prices so as to prevent any misinformation that can lead to distrust and poor business relations.
However, we strongly believe in service transparency and would be more than happy to hop on a call with you to discuss estimates and quotes for any and all of our products and services.
Please feel free to connect with us. Once we have a better idea of the specifics of your chimney/fireplace and what you’re looking to have done, we’ll be able to provide you with as accurate an estimate as possible.
And if for whatever reason that number changes, we’ll be sure to keep you informed throughout every part of the process, so you needn’t worry about getting taken for a ride.
Is It Time To Schedule Your Chimney Waterproofing Service?
Along with regular, annual maintenance, like chimney cleanings and inspections, it’s important to make sure your masonry chimney is prepared for every weather condition – rain or shine. Just as you take certain precautions to protect your home, your chimney system is no different.
Schedule your professional chimney waterproofing service with Lords Chimney and learn why we’re the preferred chimney service provider in the Houston and Beaumont area. Get in touch through our form online or give us a call at 281-497-4000.
If your chimney flashing needs repair, chances are you may also need to ask about repairing chimney leaks. Either way, we’re here to take care of it!