Common Questions About Chimney Sweepings & Inspections

If you find yourself wondering about chimney inspections, sweepings, and more, check out some of the more common inquiries we get by reading below.

When Should I Schedule My Chimney Sweep & Inspection in Houston?

two people's feet with cozy socks on them propped up by a fireplaceMost people start thinking about scheduling their inspection right around the time school starts and people start bringing out pumpkin decor. When fall is just around the corner, families start planning for the holidays, and homeowners suddenly realize that they better make sure their fireplaces are in good working order.

Unfortunately, because everyone tends to think the same thing at the same time, we get a lot of appointment requests throughout September, October, and November. That means, as things fill up, repairs and inspections will book out later and later as the year progresses – and if you want a well-working fireplace by Thanksgiving and Christmas, it’s much more likely to happen if you get in touch with us on the earlier side.

Long story short: We recommend staying ahead of the curve by scheduling your inspection during late spring or early summer. May, June, and July are all ideal months to get your maintenance booked in a timely manner, and you’ll be more likely to get your appointment on a day and time that’s convenient for you.

What Are the Levels of Chimney Inspections?

There are three different levels of chimney inspection designated by the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA). A CSIA-certified chimney sweep can help advise you on what level of chimney inspection your home needs.

  • Level I: A level I chimney inspection is the simplest kind of chimney inspection and is all that is needed for most homes that receive regular fireplace and chimney maintenance. During these, the chimney tech will visually inspect all accessible portions of the interior and exterior of the chimney for signs of deterioration or damage.
  • Level II: Level II chimney inspections are used if there has been a major change to the fireplace system, or if you are preparing to sell or purchase a home. This kind of chimney inspection often involves the use of technology such as closed-circuit cameras as well as accessing areas of your home such as attics, basements, or crawl spaces.
  • Level III: A Level III chimney inspection is the most in-depth – and most invasive – type of chimney inspection. For this reason they are only recommended in cases where serious structural damage is suspected, such as after an earthquake, chimney fire, or other natural disaster. During a Level III chimney inspection, portions of the chimney structure may need to be removed in order to better access areas of damage.

Do I Need a Chimney Inspection Every Year?

The National Fire Protection Association Standard (NFPA) 211 says, “chimneys, fireplaces, and vents shall be inspected at least once a year for soundness, freedom from deposits, and correct clearances.“

Yes – an inspection should be completed every year to ensure optimal functioning. This way if there are small problems (like a small leak, crack, etc.), we can catch them while they are still minor and relatively easy to fix. If you wait until the issues are big and obvious, they will be much more expensive and time-consuming to fix.

Hiring a certified chimney professional is always your best bet and ensures you don’t wind up paying more for the home than you should. And you’ll have all of your bases covered when it comes to insurance, too – well worth it!

All in all, preventative maintenance is always better on your budget, schedule, and stress levels, so don’t hesitate to get that yearly inspection on the books!

What Influences the Need for Inspections? Regular Use or Weather?

The short answer here is… both! If you put your fireplace to lots of use, then you’ll definitely want it checked over for damages and build-up because both of these things can lead to some serious and dangerous issues down the line.

But bad weather will often lead to some major problems, too. Hurricanes, tornadoes, and the like can compromise your structural integrity a great deal, and by documenting your structure both before and after a natural disaster, you ensure your tracks are covered when it comes to getting compensation from your insurance company.

What Are Signs I Need a Chimney Inspection?

Other than experiencing a chimney fire, most signs of creosote build-up aren’t all that obvious. You won’t truly know where you are at until you get an official inspection completed by a team of qualified sweeps.

Do Creosote Sweeping Logs Work?

When it comes to creosote sweeping logs, the name can be a bit deceiving. While they can make the creosote in your chimney easier for the professional to remove, they don’t actually remove the harmful substance.

These products should never replace an actual professional sweeping, and they will not clean your chimney. All in all, they’re not bad for your chimney, but they may not be worth the money you pay for them.

How Can I Pick the Right Chimney Company?

There are a few main things to keep in mind when hiring a sweep.

  • The first is whether or not they’re trained (and trained correctly). A surefire to know this is by checking for proper certifications and memberships from organizations like the CSIA, the NFI, and the NCSG.
  • You’ll also want to make sure they use an actual camera to look your system over, have a physical office that you can check in with if issues arise, and hold all necessary insurance and liability policies.
  • Take some time and check out online reviews. What customers are saying, and how the company responds to these comments – both good and bad – says a lot.

Do I Need a Chimney Inspection Before Moving?

If you are moving out of a house with a chimney, moving into one with a chimney, or both, scheduling a level 2 inspection is necessary before any final decisions are made. This more in-depth look into your chimney will ensure all parts are working properly, and that no extra repairs are needed before the buying or selling process begins.

We want to help all of your major life transactions go as smoothly as possible. Invest in an inspection from us and get the guidance and reassurance you deserve!

What Can I Expect When I Hire Lords Chimney?

When it comes to providing you with quality service, the staff at Lords Chimney goes above and beyond – and we check all the boxes.

  • We implement all of the proper footwear and coverings, so that your home stays clean and damage-free throughout our entire inspection process.
  • We will use top of the line equipment to search every nook and cranny and, should you need a cleaning, we’ll get that covered, too!
  • Don’t worry about a mess. We’ll clean up everything, so your home will look just as good as it did before our arrival.
  • Should we note any necessary repairs, we will offer sound advice as far as proceeding forward.

All in all, here at Lord’s Chimney, we believe communication is a key component in quality customer service, which is why you get an actual picture or video of the technician that is coming to your home, along with their certifications.

Call or Book Online Today

You can bet that we’ve got everything necessary to provide you with the highest level of care, so don’t hesitate to reach out now.

Call or book online today.

All About Our Virtual Chimney Assessment

Summertime is a great time to invest in services for your chimney and fireplace. With the holidays still months away, many are not putting their system to use as much. Our sweeps are also less busy, as well. Want to have your chimney inspected but still don’t have the time or money? Why not try our virtual chimney assessments?

Learn more about this process below, then make us your one-stop shop for it all. Our team is qualified to serve you!

Putting Your Needs Firstscanner looking at chimney

Here at Lords Chimney, we take the concerns and suggestions of our customer base seriously. We understand that the cost and time involved with having us come out to do an in-person assessment of your chimney and fireplace can present some challenges. That’s why we have come up with the option for a virtual assessment.

How It Works: Getting The Most From Your Assessment

We cannot stress enough that this will not replace your annual inspection. If you want to guarantee safer and more efficient fireplace operations, then scheduling an appointment with our team is a must. That being said, this can be an effective option for those that would like to know our thoughts on the current state of their chimney but are struggling to find time to get us in. Simply submit your pictures online, and we can give you bids and recommendations from there.

So, how can you get more from your assessment? Well, the better your pictures are, the better we can evaluate them. We require at least four pictures, but the more you provide, the more accurate we can be! Not sure where to begin? Here are the angles we recommend:

  • An outdoor top-to-bottom shot of your chimney from a distance.
  • A full shot of the fireplace exterior from a distance.
  • A close-up view of the firebox.
  • A close-up view of the flue, from the perspective of your firebox.

Still Have Questions?

If you are still facing questions about this process, visit us online to learn more or feel free to give us a call and we can offer some guidance over the phone. We are ready to do everything we can to set you up right!

Importance Of Regular Repair Work & Maintenance

When it comes right down to it, investing in regular chimney care is vital to the health of your home and the safety of your family. Water damage and leaks can cause your system to break down in a hurry and, if too much creosote is building up, your risk of experiencing a chimney fire will heighten significantly.

Even the most well taken care of chimney needs cleaning and minor repair work from time to time, so do not hesitate to get the professional attention you deserve. If you have been putting off care due to time restraints, please take advantage of this service today. The CSIA certified crew at Lords Chimney is ready to help you out.

We Guarantee Our Water Leak Resolutions

If you have a masonry chimney, then you likely know how damaging water can be! Brickwork is quite absorbent, so it doesn’t take long for moisture to get sucked in. Quickly after entry, it causes all types of decay and deterioration. As your masonry breaks down, your risk of a collapse increases. You don’t want to put your family and home in danger!

Along with this, you’ll notice countless issues that make fireplace use a lot more dangerous and challenging. For instance, clogs tend to occur more when water damage is present, meaning airflow will be obstructed. This leaves you with a smoky living room and potential exposure to harmful and potentially deadly fumes.

Not to mention, the various parts of your chimney’s structure will face damage such as rust, rot, mold buildup, cracks, holes, and more. You don’t want to shell out a lot of dough in repair and replacement costs! All this and more is why it is so important to have leaks and water problems resolved as quickly as possible. Luckily, the CSIA certified team at Lords Chimney have everything you need to run a safer and more efficient appliance. Save yourself some stress by depending on us from the very start!

Ask Us About Your Free Consultation Today

If you have water leaks in your fireplace, we’re more than happy to come check things out, free of charge. We’ll find the source of the leak, then advise you on the next logical steps for getting things resolved as quickly as possible. Between waterproofing, flashing repair, chimney cap installation, crown rebuilds, and more, there are countless options out there for resolving leaks and preventing further damage down the line. Based on your setup, we’ll figure out which techniques would be best for you. We’ll take care of you in no time!

Keep Up With Your Annual Inspections

Ensuring your chimney holds up over time doesn’t have to be a stressful process. By working with Lords Chimney throughout the year and by keeping up with annual inspections and regular sweepings, you’ll see the long-lasting results you deserve, guaranteed, and you’ll avoid nasty leaks in the future. The CSIA states that annual inspections are a key component in keeping your structure stronger throughout time. Trust our certified staff for all your chimney needs!

Spotting buildup and necessary repair work early is always a more cost-effective and less time-consuming way to address your chimney and fireplace maintenance. No matter what issues may be present, we’ll advise you on the best steps to take, so you have smooth burning seasons every fall. The holidays aren’t the same without a crackling fire to set the mood, so be sure to get us in now, so you know you’re good to go down the line! We’re ready for your call!