Summertime repairs and maintenance are an important part of chimney care, but it’s something homeowners tend to neglect or put on the back burner. Why is this? Well, many associate chimney care with fall and winter since that’s when their fireplace is typically put to more frequent use.

Lords Chimney - Before Repairs

Unfortunately, putting things off doesn’t always work out for the best.

What often happens is that once fall and the holiday season hit, everyone gets the idea to book chimney maintenance at the same time. This is why we, along with countless other chimney sweep companies, are at our busiest during the later months of the year – and getting that appointment scheduled at a time that’s both available and compatible with your calendar can be a challenge.

And we may come in for that annual inspection only to discover further repairs or maintenance is needed. We could detect high levels of creosote (which means a sweeping would be in order) or we might notice damaged parts or crumbling throughout the system.

Regardless, further appointments will need to be scheduled, putting you back right where you started – booking a slot in a season that is notoriously busy. And your fireplace shouldn’t be put to use until repairs are addressed.

Once cooler, rainier days come around in fall, we’re certain you’ll want to get those fires lit, so don’t put off the care you require any longer. Not to mention, those holiday gatherings come up quicker than you think! We’d hate to hear of get-togethers without that classic roaring fireplace going strong in the living room.

Call today to book an inspection with our team, so you’re all set and ready to go as soon as you’d like this fall. The CSIA-certified sweeps at Lords Chimney perform level 1, 2 and 3 inspections, ensuring you’re covered no matter what and can enter every season with the peace of mind you deserve.

Common Summertime Repairs

So, what are the more common summertime repairs we perform?

  • Tuckpointing: If your old mortar joints are crumbling, missing, or damaged, then tuckpointing services are in order. This is the process of removing that old mortar and replacing it with new, so your system looks great and is supported. And we’ll coordinate colors and material types to ensure your chimney looks polished and flawless at the end of it all.
  • Flashing Repair: The flashing is the piece of metal that covers the area where the roof and chimney meet up. This area is vulnerable to water leaks due to the roofing materials and chimney materials expanding and contracting at different rates. The flashing ensures none of that extra moisture can creep in, and it keeps both your home and your chimney a lot safer.
  • Crown Restoration: Your chimney crown is what sits on top of your chimney, and it helps to both keep water out of your flue and send water out and away from the sides of your chimney. Your crown is exposed to rain, sun, and curious critters, so it’s not uncommon for it to break down, especially if it wasn’t built from appropriate materials in the first place. We have the expertise needed to get yours in tip-top shape, so it stands strong for the long haul.
  • Chimney Cap Replacement: Your cap covers the flue opening to ensure water can’t simply go right down into your chimney and wreak havoc. Chimney caps also work to keep animals out, block downdrafts, stop outside debris from entering, and can even serve as spark arrestors. A strong, supportive cap is a must for any chimney, so be sure to invest in this affordable, worthwhile investment today Firebox Repairs/Rebuilds: The firebox is the area of your system that hosts the fire. It needs to be able to withstand the heat of your fireplace fires, and over time, even the most well-built firebox will face some wear and tear. Whether your unit is prefab or factory-built, this is one spot you don’t want compromised. Let us take a look soon.
  • Relining Work: There are three big jobs your liner completes – protecting your masonry from acidic fumes and heat, protecting your home from fires, and ensuring your system runs as efficiently as possible. We reline with both stainless steel liners and HeatShield®, ensuring you find the best possible fit for your unique needs.
  • And Don’t Forget a Sweeping!

It’s also not unusual for you to require a chimney sweeping in the summer to remove any harmful creosote that’s built up over the winter months. Creosote is highly flammable and it needs to be regularly removed or your chances of experiencing a chimney fire will increase significantly.

We can also remove animals and any nesting materials, so your system will be free of clogs and unwelcome critters. Then, we’ll cap it tightly to ensure nothing can work its way back in down the line.

Get Started by Reaching Out Today

Get on the right track for fall by investing in summer chimney maintenance now. Our sweeps are ready for your call! Dial 281-497-4000 to book your appointment.