What is HeatShield® & How Does it Work?
There’s no denying the importance of having a well-functioning chimney liner. Chimney liners are known for protecting your home and masonry, as well as increasing fireplace efficiency – without them you’d be experiencing gas leaks, poor air flow, and even house fires. Needless to say, a well-fitted and properly installed liner is vital if you own a fireplace.
If you’ve been given the news that your liner is no longer safe for use, you may be feeling concerned about time restraints, labor costs, and the price of the new liner itself. Fortunately for many, there is a more affordable and seamless option out there – HeatShield®.

Will HeatShield® Work for Me?
The best way to know for sure if HeatShield® is an option for you is to have our CSIA-certified sweeps come out to perform an inspection. In these cases, a level 2 inspection will be needed, which means we’ll use our camera equipment to get an accurate and in-depth look at it all.
HeatShield® can pretty much be done on any brick and mortar chimney that is fitted with terra cotta flue tiles and isn’t gas tight. As long as your chimney isn’t completely destroyed (and is up to code as far as sizing, height, etc.), you should be able to fix it rather than invest in an entirely new system.
Whether you’re dealing with inefficiency or are concerned about potential damage after a chimney fire, lightning strike, flood, or other natural disaster, there’s a good chance we’ll be able to help you out, so don’t hesitate to reach out!
How Does HeatShield® work?
So, let’s say you’ve been told this option will work for you, but you’re still wanting to know what to expect. Well, there are actually two methods we can use to ensure your liner is gas tight from here on out – Joint Repair or the Resurfacing Application. Here’s what to expect from both:
- Joint Repair: We’ll start by putting an applicator down into your flue, after which we’ll dump a special mortar-based sealant on top. After that we pull the applicator up and let it fill in all of those gaps and missing mortar joints, so that you’re left with a smooth, tight seal. We’ll end the job with a photo scan, so you can see for yourself how effective this method is!
- Resurfacing System: If you’re experiencing cracks or spalling, then HeatShield®’s resurfacing will be the option for you. First, we get all that dust out of your flue, ensuring it is fully primed for the application of our HeatShield® products. Then, we apply a thick, quarter-inch of the mix, allowing your chimney to function efficiently from here on out with a restored, smooth, and totally resurfaced liner.
And again, we’ll send up our cameras for a closer look, so you can see the end results – we’re certain you won’t be disappointed!
More Facts About HeatShield®
What else is there to know about HeatShield®? Here are a few more things that reemphasize how reliable and sound this method is:
- It comes with a 20-year warranty, so you won’t have to worry about experiencing issues a few years down the line. If it’s peace of mind you’re after, this is definitely one way to get it.
- It’s environmentally friendly and made from recycled materials.
- It has been widely tested and consistently proven effective.
- It can withstand any corrosive gases your fires produce, as well as moisture and temperatures up to 2900°F.
- The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) rated it a “Super-Duty” refractory mortar.
- It’s approved for all fuel types.
- Only carefully selected sweeps are given the opportunity to be HeatSheild® installers – and Lords Chimney has the only ones in the entire Houston area!
How Do I Know if My Liner Needs Work?
If you know you need professional relining services, then you’re now aware of some options we can offer you. But how do you figure out if relining or repair work is needed in the first place? Well one of the more obvious clues is if your fireplace just isn’t working right.
Holes throughout your structure will cause a lot of inefficiency and affect draft and airflow significantly. Smoke will work its way into your home, you’ll notice condensation issues, and your fires won’t burn as strongly.
Smell smoke in your home when lighting fires? This is another sign that your venting system has holes in it. Think of it like a straw that’s cracked or broken. As you attempt to drink your beverage, a lot of the liquid that comes up will simply spill back out through the holes – your chimney works this same way. If you smell smoke it’s because it has worked its way into your home.
But what’s the best way to know if professional care is needed? A level 2 camera inspection. Our high-tech equipment ensures every nook and cranny of your system is observed, so that you know exactly what you need to stay safer and more comfortable as you finish out your burning season.
We’ll look for any cracks, gaps, and damage, but we’ll also note whether or not there are random clean areas amongst your creosote. Essentially, your chimney should either be all clean or all dirty. If it’s mostly dirty with clean patches throughout, then it’s likely you have holes.
Our Award-Winning Team is Here for You
Lords Chimney has been recognized as one of the top chimney sweeps throughout the Houston area, and we’ve received a large number of positive reviews from satisfied customers. We value education, professionalism, and honesty, and we never skimp when it comes to offering exceptional care or top-of-the-line products.
If you’re looking for chimney care that will stand the test of time, then rely on our team today. We’re here for you!